Tried and Tested Tips to Prevent Dandruff in Winters


Snow may be present in the winter, but so do hair flakes! According to research, dandruff tends to get worse throughout the winter. Here, however, are the finest at-home remedies for dandruff in the winter. These masks have organic components that soothe and shield the scalp while nourishing and moisturising your hair. See how to get rid of dandruff this chilly season by scrolling down!

Tricks that can help eliminate winter dandruff quickly

Use a dandruff-fighting shampoo

anti dandruff shampoo

Selenium sulphide, coal tar, zinc pyrithione, or ketoconazole are all ingredients found in anti-dandruff shampoos. These components aid in dandruff removal and stop fungal growth on the scalp. For noticeable effects, apply an anti-dandruff shampoo twice weekly for at least four weeks. However, avoid using these shampoos too frequently since this can cause dandruff to reappear.

Do not scratch

Scratching your scalp will just make your dry scalp and dandruff itchier. Your shoulders are covered in flakes, and your hair is soiled. To stop itching, press your index finger to the scalp.

Don’t Use Hot Water

You might wash your hair in hot water throughout the winter. However, using hot or warm water will dry out your scalp and leave your hair frizzy. This creates the perfect conditions for the growth of dandruff. Use lukewarm water for your shower as a result.

Massage first, then shampoo

Each time you shower your hair, rub some coconut or almond oil in. This aids in moisturising the strands and feeding the roots of the hair. It reduces dandruff and hair fall and enhances blood flow to the scalp.

Avoid Using Alcohol-Based Styling Products

Alcohol can be found in any hairstyling product, including mousse, dry shampoo, and hairspray, which dries out the scalp and exacerbates dandruff. Avoid using hair products that include alcohol.

Keep Your Hair Brush Clean

Twice a week, wash your hairbrush. You don’t want to get dandruff on your clean scalp with the hair brush. It is crucial to wash your hair brush each time you shampoo because of this.

Never tie wet hair up

Tying wet hair makes it humid, which encourages the growth of dandruff. During the winter, dry your hair with a blow dryer set to the warm setting. For additional warmth, you can cover your hair with a scarf, muffler, or sweatshirt.

Relax your mind

Your body’s level of cortisoli rises under stress, which has an impact on your scalp’s health. Make time for yourself to unwind. Workout, go for a run, read, write, listen to music, or meditation are all options.

Continue Eating Healthily

Additionally, you must improve the internal health of your scalp. Consume anti-inflammatory foods like nuts, seeds, and omega-3-rich seafood (mackerel, salmon, tuna, etc.). Include foods high in protein in your diet, such as soy, mushrooms, eggs, and legumes. For vitamins, minerals, and fibre, eat fruits and vegetables with green leaves.

Wintertime dandruff frequently results in itching, irritability, and discomfort. However, you can use natural products from your home to have a healthy, clean scalp and to fight dandruff in the winter. Additionally, you may get the job done with supplies from your cupboard without breaking the bank. Isn’t that wonderful? These homemade hair masks, along with the techniques indicated above, will help you get rid of winter dandruff.

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